Alexander ► Dank Japan Memes 35 mm • EJ These are good goblins / There are no female Goblins in / :: Anime (RDR, Reshotka Democratic Republic) :: :: без перевода :: fandoms :: разное

без перевода ...#Anime 
Alexander ► Dank Japan Memes 35 mm • EJ These are good goblins / There are no female Goblins in Goblin Slayer and they are a bunch of savage and muderer bastards. Meanwhile in Tensei Shitara Slime, Goblins have females and they are peaceful and civilized. In order words...Pussy is the key to
Alexander ► Dank Japan Memes 35 mm • EJ These are good goblins / There are no female Goblins in Goblin Slayer and they are a bunch of savage and muderer bastards. Meanwhile in Tensei Shitara Slime, Goblins have females and they are peaceful and civilized. In order words...Pussy is the key to civilization!
Anime,RDR, Reshotka Democratic Republic,разное,без перевода,,fandoms,
Еще на тему
Внезапно напомнило какое-то постмодернистское фентези, где у гоблинов не было женщин вообще, им всем пришлось стать геями, чего они дико стыдились, испытывали deadwish и ломились всех убивать.
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